1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 21, 2018 3:22 PM by sohagan

    Wildfly 13 cannot run Wildfly 10 EAR application




      An EAR file built using JDK 1.8 and ANT and run successfully on Wildfly 10 (JDK 8) appears to deploy (using the console) to Wildfly 13 (JDK 8) i.e. the Wildfly console says it is deployed but you cannot run the app in the browser.  You get a 404 when accessing the URL.


      I can see the content file in the Wildfly data directory so the deployment seems to be there. The deployment fold is empty as this is not an exploded deployment.


      The server log suggests that non of the sub-deployments have run so there are no EJBs or Web App. The admin console shows no evidence of EJBs or Web Apps.


      All you see in the log related to the deployment is

      2018-06-21 11:52:13,609 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server] (Controller Boot Thread) WFLYSRV0010: Deployed "MyApp" (runtime-name : "MyApp")


      I noted a reported bug very similar to this but I am not using JDK 9 anywhere.


      Any help gratefully accepted.


      Shaun O'Hagan.

        • 1. Re: Wildfly 13 cannot run Wildfly 10 EAR application



          Curiously the problem has gone away.  What happened was I knocked together a tiny webapp to try and deploy that as a test.  It deployed cleanly and unlike the main EAR which also deployed cleanly it showed up in the Console Runtime section.


          I tried the EAR again and this time it failed to deploy due to a dependency issue because of the use of Hibernate 5.1 in WF 13.  I fixed this issue and now the EAR deploys and runs.


          Sorry I can not provide any explanation for this and I am pretty sure I made no configuration changes to have caused this change in behaviour.  Hopefully this might help anyone else coming across this oddity..