1. Re: Jboss 7.1 - management authentication LDAP + mgmt-users.properties?
mchoma Jul 25, 2018 5:04 AM (in response to vrames)<xs:complexType name="authenticationType">
Configuration of the server side authentication mechanisms.
Optionally one truststore can be defined and one username/password based store can be defined.
Authentication will first attempt to use the truststore and if this is not available will fall back
to the username/password authentication.
If none of these are specified the only available mechanism will be the local mechanism for the
Native interface and the HTTP interface will not be accessible.
<xs:element name="truststore" type="realmKeyStoreType" minOccurs="0">
Configuration of a keystore to use to create a trust manager to verify clients.
<xs:element name="local" type="localType" minOccurs="0">
Configuration to enable the local authentication mechanism, if this element
is omitted then local authentication will be disabled.
<xs:element name="kerberos" type="kerberosAuthenticationType" minOccurs="0">
Configuration to enable Kerberos authentication.
<xs:choice minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="jaas" type="jaasAuthenticationType" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="ldap" type="ldapAuthenticationType" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="properties" type="propertiesAuthenticationType" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="users" type="usersAuthenticationType" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="plug-in" type="plug-inAuthType" minOccurs="0" />