5 Replies Latest reply on Aug 1, 2018 7:29 AM by galder.zamarreno

    Infinispan JCache configuration in JBoss 5.1.2


      Hi all,


      I am working on clustering Infinispan caches (version 9.1.7) in JBoss 5.1.2 servers. The way I am accomplishing this is by creating an uber jar and relocating certain jgroups packages. I have followed the following documentation Chapter 10. JSR-107 (JCache) API - Red Hat Customer Portal , but had no luck in clustering caches as the caches are always created in local mode. I have the following questions:

      1) Do I need to specify an infinispan.xml file ? Is there a way I can create an Infinispan clustered JCache programmatically.


      2) If I have to do configure cache's via xml, is there an example for version 9.1.7 of Infinispan that works.