4 Replies Latest reply on Jan 2, 2019 6:43 AM by tihomir.mescic

    WildFly 13 connect to Amazon MQ (ActiveMQ 5.15.0)


      Hi all,


      we're migrating our infrastructure to AWS, and we want to run WildFly 13, but instead of using the embedded Artemis MQ that comes with WildFly, we want to connect it to Amazon MQ.


      The main issue is that we want to keep using the @MessageDriven beans but we want them to get messages from a remote Amazom MQ (which is running ActiveMQ 5.15.0).


      I tried many different things, but I was unable to make it work. I wasn't able to find any tutorial/documentation on how to do it.


      Can someone point me to some useful resources or explain here how I would do this?


      Amazon MQ exposes these endpoints:

      OpenWire -> ssl://server:61617


      AMQP -> amqp+ssl://server:5671


      STOMP -> stomp+ssl://server:61614


      MQTT -> mqtt+ssl://server:8883


      WSS -> wss://server:61619



      Thanks in advance,
