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1. Re: Hibernate 2nd level caching with hotrod support
galder.zamarreno Sep 3, 2018 10:36 AM (in response to daroleary)Not at the moment... but contributions are always welcome and we can provide guidance
2. Re: Hibernate 2nd level caching with hotrod support
rvansa Sep 4, 2018 3:48 AM (in response to daroleary)Embedded 2nd level cache integration does not use Infinispan transactional caches anymore, so this is not really related.
Have you made any analysis of your use case that would hint you that remote cache would be a fruitful effort? The problem is that if the cache is remote, you need to do RPC - you may as well do that right to the DB (or one of the DB slave nodes replicating the state to spread the load) without the risk that you get cache miss and have to reach the DB anyway. If you're about to argue with near cache (keeping the data locally), you might as well use embedded mode and set eviction policy to not use too much memory.