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1. Re: understanding layout structures and classpaths
end-user Oct 19, 2018 11:52 AM (in response to end-user)Further, what if my war has a dependency on the core? Would I include it under WEB-INF/lib?
2. Re: understanding layout structures and classpaths
jaikiran Oct 23, 2018 1:46 AM (in response to end-user)For regular libraries (i.e. jars not containing any managed components like EJBs etc), you will have to place them in .ear/lib directory if those libraries are to be accessible to all components and (other libraries) within the entire .ear. So in your case, you will have to create a lib directory under the .ear and move the commons-pool.jar into that directory.
You should retain the core.jar at the top level of the .ear since it contains deployable components like EJBs.
3. Re: understanding layout structures and classpaths
end-user Oct 29, 2018 10:02 AM (in response to jaikiran)That really helped! The server appears to be discovering the dependencies and loading the different deployables correctly.