3 Replies Latest reply on Oct 29, 2018 10:02 AM by end-user

    understanding layout structures and classpaths


      I'm working on migrating a very large, old application that has terrible inter-dependencies.  It breaks down to a war that contains the web pieces, jsps, views, etc, and core code that is referenced by pretty much everything.  The core also includes ejbs which I've annotated as such.  I'm wrapping the whole thing in to an ear for deployment.  I'm working through errors as they come up - the current one is ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.pool.PoolableObjectFactory being thrown by the core.  I'm trying to verify that the classloader should actually be able to see the dependency.



        |- commons-pool.jar

        |- core.jar

        |- web.war


      If this is my structure, the class should be accessible, correct?