0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 30, 2018 5:29 AM by jseliger

    Bad variable concatination at jboss deployment


      I try to use the BPMN2.0-Workflow system in conjunction with the jboss server.s

      Here I can see several deplyment errors, caused by incorrect vfs-variable value concatination.

      The original location of my BPMN2-Modeler to be populated is /home/jochen/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.core/JBoss_AS_6.x1525357682339/deploy/BPMN2-Modeler.war

      But tha vfs-varibale value is vfs:///home/jochen/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.core/JBoss_AS_6.x1525357682339/deploy/BPMN2-Modeler.war as structura the same in several other cases.

      Obviusely ther is an failure within the code.

      How to force the correction of that repeated deployment failure?


      Jochen Seliger