0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 19, 2018 3:01 AM by vape8001

    SwitchYard CamelRoute + bean (the bean method is not invoked)



      I'm new with Switchyard (got some project which uses switchyard) and have a problem with Camel + method from other bean...



      So..  this is my project look like:


      From "x" service the "MeterManagmentService SCA" is called and then the "MeterManagementServiceRoute" which is Apache Camel route..

      Inside my route I have this kind of logic which is not difficult to understand..

      The problem I have is that the code

      ".to("switchyard://MeterManagementService?operationName=syncConfigs")" is not executed (but got the text ### SEND_CONFIG_TO_CF).


      In my "MeterManagementServiceBean" I have a method "syncConfigs(..)" and have put some logs inside..


      When I try to invoke the service I don't get back the log from "syncConfigs" method. Is like the method is not called from the Camel Route code.

      (In my log's I can't find the word "### syncConfigs called").


      Is something I have missed? How to locate the problem? Is there a way to debug the Switchyard?


      Thank you for any info.