6 Replies Latest reply on Dec 11, 2018 9:07 AM by walkerca

    Exploded Deployment in WF 10




      I added an unmanaged deployment to WildFly 10 using the admin console.  The command was successful and deployed a folder-based webapp "site" containing a WEB-INF/web.xml file and a helloWorld.html file.  However, I can't browse to this file using http://localhost:8080/site/helloWorld.html.  I was hoping to be able to set up a folder of web artifacts using the single console command and maintain a static HTML site by directly editing files underneath.


      In the later versions, there is an add-content command on a deployment. I don't see anything similar in 10.




        • 1. Re: Exploded Deployment in WF 10

          Exploded deployments (which could be used in your use case) were introduced with WildFly 11.

          Using exploded deployments and CLI attachments · WildFly

          • 2. Re: Exploded Deployment in WF 10

            Exploded deployments exist in WF 10.  See the WF 10 docs below, section "Managed and Unmanaged Deployments".



            Application deployment - WildFly 10 - Project Documentation Editor


            My question is about the WF 10 Admin Console set up for the unmanaged deployment: why aren't the HTML files being served up.

            • 3. Re: Exploded Deployment in WF 10

              > Exploded deployments exist in WF 10.  See the WF 10 docs below, section "Managed and Unmanaged Deployments".


              Emmanuel is refers to a new feature, where in Admin console/CLI you can navigate inside a managed deployment (exploded or not exploded) and manage its content. See the link he posted, see this video sample too.

              But this new feature to navigate inside the deployments, only works for managed deployments.


              > My question is about the WF 10 Admin Console set up for the unmanaged deployment: why aren't the HTML files being served up.


              I understand you want to use the deployment as a file server, to navigate to a directory and manage its contents outside Admin Console, isn't it ?

              1 of 1 people found this helpful
              • 4. Re: Exploded Deployment in WF 10



                I ended up using a WAR file and a managed deployment since one of the targets was a domain.


                I still would like to know about exploded deployments in WildFly.  In JBoss 5, I could add files to a folder under /deploy and have them served up as a webapp.  I don't require the admin console.  I thought that I could execute a one-time console operation to get the folder to work.  This would be for standalone deployments only.




                • 5. Re: Exploded Deployment in WF 10

                  Exploded deployments are 'exploded' war files that are managed through our content repository and thus it works in domain mode.

                  You had 'exploded' deployments with the scanner, this is different in that you can manage the deployment and its content through our API (via CLI, WebConsole, HTTP requests etc.)

                  1 of 1 people found this helpful
                  • 6. Re: Exploded Deployment in WF 10

                    I was missing a naming convention.  This is my deployment scanner config.  I added the "auto-deploy-exploded=true" into the stock standalone.xml.


                            <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:deployment-scanner:2.0">

                                <deployment-scanner path="deployments" relative-to="jboss.server.base.dir" scan-interval="5000" auto-deploy-exploded="true" runtime-failure-causes-rollback="${jboss.deployment.scanner.rollback.on.failure:false}"/>



                    The directory under deployments/ will only be loaded if it has a .war suffix.


                    The procedure I used to put a static site under WF 10 is the following.


                    1. Add the auto-deploy-exploded=true directive to the scanner.

                    2. Create a folder with a .war suffix.  For example testSite.war

                    3. Put static resources under testSite.war.  For example, test.html

                    4. Verify that you can hit the URL http://localhost:8080/testSite/test.html