As part of hibernate upgrade from 3 to 5, I had to upgrade infinispan to from 4 to 8 and jgroups from 2 to 3.6.7.
After upgrade i am getting the following error
JGRP000200: failed sending discovery request: Network is unreachable.
If i use it works, but that makes it unusable in IPV6.
Initial log suggests issue could be with Jgroups so i have started discussion in jgroups forum.
After going through above bug, i found the issue to be with ipv6 configuration.
I cross checked with our QA team and in our setup and configuration looks proper.
Product start is proper with older Hibernate but not with newer hibernate-infinispan version.
The issue happens at the time of starup specifically during infinispan configuration.
How to know what is the actual issue and what is the solution for that.
Any inputs on this is appreciated. I have attached complete stack trace for more details.
Answered in the JGroups discussion.