1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 23, 2018 11:01 PM by claudio4j

    More than one domain using Widlfly Standalone config?



      Since it appears that Oracle's Weblogic Server will not start with the new Java 11 I have been tasked to investigate the use of JBoss Wildfly as an alternative web application server.


      I have a public facing web application and a content management application (cms) that is used by internal personnel, both shared by a single postgreSQL database.


      Is it possible to configure both of these web applications to run using the Wildfly Standalone configuration?  Would I set up each web application (public and cms) as a host?


      Thus far, using the HAL Management Console I have been able to successfully deploy both applications.  The public facing web app has a context root of "/" while the cms app has a context root of "/mycms", and both are operating in the same port - 8443 because they are both https applications, I suppose.  This deployment does not work when both applications are running.  The public facing app runs fine however the cms app continues to throw browser errors.


      I'm confused.   Can somebody please direct me to some good Widlfy or JBoss documentation on how to set this up?  I have been looking throughout the wildfly documentation but all I can find is configuration for a singe web application.


      Thanks much to all for your time and assistance.

      Happy holidays.


        • 1. Re: More than one domain using Widlfly Standalone config?

          > Is it possible to configure both of these web applications to run using the Wildfly Standalone configuration ? 


          Yes, wildfly is prepared to run any number of applications deployed on it. The limiting factor is computing resources.

          Two applications are fine.


          > Would I set up each web application (public and cms) as a host?


          Yes, you can deploy both of them but only one can be deployed as a root resource (no context name).


          > This deployment does not work when both applications are running.  The public facing app runs fine however the cms app continues to throw browser errors.


          What are the errors ?