I'm trying to use a multiple-instance subprocess (jbpm 7.14.0) with following settings
If I create MI subprocess via Eclipse I got id="item" in inputDataItem element, so in subprocess I have variable item with current value
<bpmn2:inputDataItem xsi:type="bpmn2:tDataInput" id="item" itemSubjectRef="ItemDefinition_610" name="item"/>
And if I create subprocess via online editor, then I got id="_F5E01F15-F1E8-4101-81F9-6F0CAB1A32D2_itemInputX" and name of the variable with current value is _F5E01F15-F1E8-4101-81F9-6F0CAB1A32D2_itemInputX.
<bpmn2:inputDataItem xsi:type="bpmn2:tDataInput" id="_F5E01F15-F1E8-4101-81F9-6F0CAB1A32D2_itemInputX" name="item"/>
How to configure the MI subprocess via online editor, to have normal variable name?