4 Replies Latest reply on Jan 28, 2019 3:22 PM by vasouv

    JSF form based authentication with Security API doesn't work on WildFly


      Good evening and nice to meet you! Please pardon my probably noobish question but I'm quite new to WildFly.


      At work I'm building a JSF 2.3 application and I'm deploying on WF14. I'd like to use the new Security API because it's really easy to secure JSF apps from what I've seen.


      The thing is that my sample application doesn't seem to work on WildFly. It's more or less based on another person's application which in turn is based on the app presented in the book Definitive Guide to JSF in Java EE 8.


      On Payara 5 it works perfectly, the login page is shown and with the correct credentials I can login. On WildFly though, when the app is ran, it immediately shows "Forbidden", making me think that it doesn't trigger the Security API at all.


      Is there anything I should enable in WildFly to make it work this way? I've read a bit about Elytron and while I didn't understand much to be honest, I thought my approach would work since WF14 and WF15 are Java EE 8 enabled.

        • 1. Re: JSF form based authentication with Security API doesn't work on WildFly

          "Forbidden" indicates that the Security API is working indeed. But the user is not allowed at all (eg if your application requires a certain role but your user is not assigned any role). As you ca see in LoginBacking.java  there is a check on the roles ADMIN and USER


          Which configuration did you chose? For Elytron you shoold check chap 4 WildFly Elytron Security

          • 2. Re: JSF form based authentication with Security API doesn't work on WildFly

            You're right about the "Forbidden" part, security does indeed work because it doesn't let the user in.


            As for the rest, I'm confused. This is the CredentialValidationResult I'm returning in the custom identity store because it passes a Set of the roles associated with the user. When I'm printing the "isUserInRole" in the LoginBackingBean I get the booleans I expect. Unless I misunderstood your pointers.


            Still though, I'm baffled as to why this works on Payara Full and not on WildFly standalone full. No configuration on either, I downloaded them a couple of days ago and haven't set them up yet.


            Actually I don't want to use Elytron because we have our own authentication (I know, I know, not my decision) and this CustomIdentityStore would be quite helpful.

            • 3. Re: JSF form based authentication with Security API doesn't work on WildFly

              Still though, I'm baffled as to why this works on Payara Full and not on WildFly standalone full. No configuration on either, I downloaded them a couple of days ago and haven't set them up yet.


              I also don't know why this is working in Payara/Glassfish. But my understanding is that the program is not taking the correct approach. As you can see in the specs https://www.google.de/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiWzO2n5IbgAhUDIlAKHV89DpYQFjAAe…  (13.6.3 Form Based Authentication)

              "The login form must contain fields for entering a username and a password. These fields must be named j_username and j_password, respectively."


              So it usually looks like:


              <form method="post" action="j_security_check">

                                  <h:form prependId="false">

                                      <p:growl id="messages"/>

                                      <table columns="2" role="presentation">



                                                  <p:outputLabel for="j_username" value="Username:"/>


                                              <!--   <td><input type="text" name="j_username" /></td> -->


                                                  <p:inputText  id="j_username" required="true" immediate="true"






                                                  <p:outputLabel for="j_password" value="Password:"/>



                                                  <p:password id="j_password" required="true" immediate="true"


                                                  <!--    <input type="password" name="j_password"/> -->





                                          <input type="submit" value="#{msg.button_login}" class="button"/>

                                          <input type="reset" value="#{msg.button_reset}" class="button"/>




              The user should then be made avaiable by the application server ("The container attempts to authenticate the user using the information from the

              form") and not injected by the program.


              No configuration on either, I downloaded them a couple of days ago and haven't set them up yet.

              Usually the credentials are not hard coded in the program but taken from some other container like file, database, ldap etc,

              And then you will have to configure the link between the program and the security container indeed. In Glassfish you will probably do this via the "Security" areaSecurity


              Actually I don't want to use Elytron because we have our own authentication (I know, I know, not my decision) and this CustomIdentityStore would be quite helpful.

              Elytron does not actually do the authentication but links to the container (similar to the "Security" feature in Glassfish)

              • 4. Re: JSF form based authentication with Security API doesn't work on WildFly

                Right, I know about the way you mention and I've used it successfully in the past. It's what I wanted to avoid though, not having to configure the server specifically.


                Managed to find the solution though. Here it's mentioned that WildFly 14 uses the old Picketbox security mechanism. So I have to reference the jaspitest security domain for this to work.


                When I added the following to the jboss-web.xml, the project worked as intended! I actually bought the book in order to learn more about WF since I'll be using it in production as well.



