1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 15, 2002 1:17 PM by prakashvv

    Compiling EJB files


      Hi there,

      I am very new to jboss and trying to compile and run my EJB files. The documentation really does not explain how to use Jboss and I cannot figure out how to compile my EJBs. A couple of websites say that I should be able to compile them by typing javac -classpath %JBOSS_HOME%/client/ejb.jar *.java but some other sites say i do not have to compile EJBs to deploy since Jboss uses dynamic proxies.

      Can anyone help me to figure it out or recommend any websites which provide simple tutorials how to use Jboss?

        • 1. Re: Compiling EJB files

          First set the classpath to the jboss_j2ee.jar file present in your jboss/lib/ext directory. Then compile your program by using javac bean.java files.

          Or else, you can use the Sun's J2EE API for compiling your source programs by setting the J2ee.jar file in your classpath.

          After compiling your programs create the ejb-jar.xml file and create a ejb jar file for your bean and just place it in your jboss/deploy directory.

          When you start Jboss, Jboss will automatically deploy your bean.

          You can find more articles at www.jboss.org, and for EJB you can find many samples and articles at theserverside.com. Or visit sun's j2ee web page.