1. Re: Using WildFly instance as an external transaction coordinator service
ochaloup Feb 13, 2019 8:38 AM (in response to ike3)1 of 1 people found this helpfulHi ike3 ,
at the first sight it seems there could be an issue in the WFLY/Narayana codebase. I will need to check that out. I will need some time to look at it. I will report back to you.
2. Re: Using WildFly instance as an external transaction coordinator service
tomjenkinson Feb 13, 2019 8:57 AM (in response to ike3)Ondra will be better placed to answer the XTS specifics, however what I can say is with your current approach (multiple transaction managers) you need to make sure all the servers have a unique node identifier.
3. Re: Using WildFly instance as an external transaction coordinator service
ike3 Feb 14, 2019 7:28 AM (in response to tomjenkinson)Thanks. I changed the identifiers to be unique but nothing changes .
4. Re: Using WildFly instance as an external transaction coordinator service
tomjenkinson Feb 14, 2019 10:49 AM (in response to ike3)It makes the configuration more correct at least but that point was for the case where you have multiple coordinators not the new configuration you are looking to move to.
5. Re: Using WildFly instance as an external transaction coordinator service
tomjenkinson Feb 14, 2019 10:50 AM (in response to ochaloup)I think ike3 should debug into narayana/UserTransactionImple.java at master · jbosstm/narayana · GitHub in the caller code as that is the code that connects to the remote coordinator.
6. Re: Using WildFly instance as an external transaction coordinator service
ike3 Feb 25, 2019 2:35 AM (in response to tomjenkinson)Sorry for late response.
The breakpoint in UserTransactionImple did not trigger at all (not at caller side nor at callee). I tried other UserTransaction implementations but no luck either. This is definetely not a debugger issue as it triggers breakpoints in any other classes, i.e. JBossWSInvoker.
This is very strange as the transaction works fine (I changed in callee WS @TransactionAttribute to be MANDATORY and the transaction to be sure is active).
I've put my stack frames here:
- caller - https://pastebin.com/MmDgnEzc
- callee - https://pastebin.com/56ZFvHuR
I see CMTTxInterceptor at the caller side which basically creates the transaction but I don't know which interceptor is supporting the transaction at the callee side.
Do I need some more configuration other than replacing standalone.xml with standalone-xts.xml?
7. Re: Using WildFly instance as an external transaction coordinator service
tomjenkinson Feb 26, 2019 7:12 AM (in response to ike3)ochaloup I am not seeing any XTS code at all under GitHub - ike3/lkp_transactions: Исследование работы распределенных транзакций в WildFly веб-сервисах - are you?
ike3 I think you need to update your code to be more like: quickstart/XTS/wsat-jta-multi_service at master · jbosstm/quickstart · GitHub if you want to use XTS and JTA bridging.
8. Re: Using WildFly instance as an external transaction coordinator service
ochaloup Mar 4, 2019 4:40 AM (in response to tomjenkinson)1 of 1 people found this helpfultomjenkinson I assume if the standalone-xts.xml is used then the WS-AT bridging should be working without any special XTS code being involved in the user project. I quickly checked the GitHub - ike3/lkp_transactions I think there is not some big difference to what we provide in the quickstart/XTS/wsat-jta-multi_service. But I didn't check it in detail.
ike3 sorry for not taking look into this but I'm a bit busy with other duties. I can try to look at your reproducer in deail during this week but I can't promise.
Regarding the debug experience. As Tom mentioned our quickstart is a good starting point to check if the debugger hits the expected place.
I'm don't remember about the exact usage of the UserTransaction code which Tom mentioned. What I would says is that you use the container managed transactions then the ejb interceptors start the JTA transactions and that why you can see the interceptor being hit.
The JTA transaction is bridged to WS-AT (and vice versa) in the Narayana module txbridge (narayana/txbridge at 5.9.3.Final · jbosstm/narayana · GitHub). Bridging should work automatically, as you mentioned, when the standalone-xts.xml is used (aka. the server configuration defines the xts subsystem). You could debug the bridge handlers
- narayana/JaxWSTxOutboundBridgeHandler.java at master · jbosstm/narayana · GitHub
- narayana/JaxWSTxOutboundBridgeHandler.java at master · jbosstm/narayana · GitHub
They have to be registered for the transaction being transferred between WS-AT and JTA worlds.
Detailed trace logs would be helpful for the investigation as well. You can setup the TRACE logging category for the `org.jboss.jbossts.txbridge` and for lot more information about txn processing then for the 'com.arjuna` too. -
9. Re: Using WildFly instance as an external transaction coordinator service
ike3 Mar 13, 2019 3:46 AM (in response to ochaloup)Thanks!
I think I found the issue causing coordinator URL to be ignored.
During XTS subsystem startup in com.arjuna.webservices11.wscoor.server.ActivationCoordinatorInitialisation.startup() I can see wscEnvironmentBean initialized with the following properties:
asyncRequestWait 10000
bindAddress10 localhost
bindPort10 8080
bindPort11 8080
bindPortSecure10 8080
bindPortSecure11 8443
coordinatorAddress10 null
coordinatorAddress11 null
coordinatorPath10 ws-c10/soap/ActivationCoordinator
coordinatorPath11 ws-c11/ActivationService
coordinatorPort10 8080
coordinatorPort11 8080
coordinatorScheme10 http
coordinatorScheme11 http
coordinatorURL10 null
coordinatorURL11 http://coordinator:8080/ws-c11/ActivationService
initialTransportPeriod 5000
maximumTransportPeriod 300000
serviceURLPath null
transportTimeout 30000
useAsynchronousRequest NO
The xts-environment property sets the coordinatorURL11 field but it is not used in the URL generation code:
public static void startup()
final ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry = PrivilegedServiceRegistryFactory.getInstance().getServiceRegistry();
WSCEnvironmentBean wscEnvironmentBean = XTSPropertyManager.getWSCEnvironmentBean();
String bindAddress = wscEnvironmentBean.getBindAddress11();
int bindPort = wscEnvironmentBean.getBindPort11();
int secureBindPort = wscEnvironmentBean.getBindPortSecure11();
String serviceURLPath = wscEnvironmentBean.getServiceURLPath();
if (serviceURLPath == null) {
serviceURLPath = "/ws-c11";
if (bindAddress == null) {
bindAddress = "localhost";
if (bindPort == 0) {
bindPort = 8080;
if (secureBindPort == 0) {
secureBindPort = 8443;
final String baseUri = "http://" + bindAddress + ":" + bindPort + serviceURLPath;
final String uri = baseUri + "/ActivationService";
final String secureBaseUri = "https://" + bindAddress + ":" + secureBindPort + serviceURLPath;
final String secureUri = secureBaseUri + "/ActivationService";
serviceRegistry.registerServiceProvider(CoordinationConstants.ACTIVATION_SERVICE_NAME, uri) ;
serviceRegistry.registerSecureServiceProvider(CoordinationConstants.ACTIVATION_SERVICE_NAME, secureUri) ;
Is it possible to configure the remaining properties in standalone.xml?
I've attached traces from the `org.jboss.jbossts.txbridge` category and did some debugging (JaxWSTxOutboundBridgeHandler is invoked successfully indeed). Unfortunately the traces do not contain tx-coordinator URL information.
logs.zip 28.9 KB
10. Re: Using WildFly instance as an external transaction coordinator service
ochaloup Mar 26, 2019 10:20 AM (in response to ike3)Hi ike3 , I'm sorry for the delay of answering here.
You can check the configuration options of the XTS subsystem in the xsd here (wildfly/jboss-as-xts_3_0.xsd at master · wildfly/wildfly · GitHub ) or you can start the WFLY and check with the jboss-cli.sh with command like (/subsystem=xts:read-resource-description(recursive=true)).
How the configuration of the XTS subsystem is considered in WildFly could be overviewed here wildfly/XTSManagerService.java at master · wildfly/wildfly · GitHub
As you wrote there could be the issue that the coordinatorURL11 is not used in the code creating the URL. If you have suggestion about the fix, you will be more than wellcome to create the PR (ideally with the testcase) which adjusts the behaviour.