Hi Team,
We are uisng JBPM 7.6.0.Final, while trying to set a time cycle for achieving repetitive timer we are getting below exceptions.
from Eclipse plugin i was not able to add cron expression - so I have modified the XML from notepad.
But while deploying i'm getting below error :
[-1,-1]: Process 'GRRMGenericWorkflow' [GRRMGenericWorkflow]: Node '#{taskName}' [8] Could not parse delay '*/5 * * * *': Error parsing time string: [ */5 * * * * ]
Similar error even if i tried ISO format repeatable times:
[-1,-1]: Process 'GRRMGenericWorkflow' [GRRMGenericWorkflow]: Node '#{taskName}' [8] Could not parse delay 'R/PT1D': Text cannot be parsed to a Duration
Can someone suggest what is going wrong in the implementation .. ?