i am upgrading jboss 4.0 to jboss 7.0 .and jboss 7.0 query have alias column is not coming in result
SELECT t.status_id AS id, t.code
FROM sme..status_types as t
the code which execute this query
List result = null;
result = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(namedQuery.getQuery());
when deploy our application on jboss 7 it provided below output
jdbc server query result : [{status_id=1, code=SUB}]
but when we run the same query on jboss 4 it's return below result
jdbc server query result : [{id=1, code=SUB}]
we are using sybase database and jdbc jar is used jconnect4.jar
Hi! This question does not seem Infinispan related. Wrong forum, I suppose.