We want to build Wildfly 18.0.0 with our build server (Bamboo) to test a patched hibernate version.
But building fails. Some investigation result that its due to the Galleon maven plugin.
We have set a relative local repository in our maven settings like
We also tries to overwrite our global setting by passing the full path via
In both cases I get an error like this:
This results into this error:
build 11-Nov-2019 14:18:14 [INFO] WildFly: Batch Integration Subsystem (JBeret implementation) SUCCESS [ 2.144 s] build 11-Nov-2019 14:18:14 [INFO] WildFly: Bean Validation ........................... SUCCESS [ 2.321 s] build 11-Nov-2019 14:18:14 [INFO] WildFly: Servlet Galleon Pack ...................... FAILURE [ 15.212 s] build 11-Nov-2019 14:18:14 [INFO] WildFly: JPA ....................................... SKIPPED build 11-Nov-2019 14:18:14 [INFO] jipijapa SPI ....................................... SKIPPED ...... build 11-Nov-2019 14:18:14 [INFO] BUILD FAILURE build 11-Nov-2019 14:18:14 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ build 11-Nov-2019 14:18:14 [INFO] Total time: 01:59 min build 11-Nov-2019 14:18:14 [INFO] Finished at: 2019-11-11T14:18:14+01:00 build 11-Nov-2019 14:18:14 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ build 11-Nov-2019 14:18:14 [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.wildfly.galleon-plugins:wildfly-galleon-maven-plugin:4.0.3.Final:build-feature-pack (feature-pack-build) on project wildfly-servlet-galleon-pack: Feature spec generator failed: For input string: " /.repo/org/jboss/jboss-vfs/3.2.14.Final/jboss-vfs-3.2.14.Final.jar (No such file or directory" -> [Help 1]
It seams that the plugin somehow adds an initial "/" in front of the artifact url??
Does anyone know how to fix this? Bug?
What about setting <localRepository>/data/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/EXTLIB-WILDFLY2-JOB1/.repo</localRepository> ?