1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 5, 2019 8:57 AM by mayerw01

    JDBC Authentication with salted-simple-digest-mapper, Invalid base 64 character



      I use Wildfly 16 and I want to deny the access to my webapp. I configured a jdbc realm with a simple-digest-mapper and it worked, but only if I put the encoded password into the password field.


      I want to automatically decode it and so I tried to use salted-simple-digest-mapper, but it does not work too. (Caused by: org.wildfly.common.codec.DecodeException: COM00508: Invalid base 64 character)

      I think that I have to fill the "SALT" into my query but I do not understand in which way.


      Here is my configuration


          <jdbc-realm name="OFVAccessJDBCRealm1">
                          <principal-query sql="SELECT PWD_ FROM act_id_user u WHERE u.ID_ = ?" data-source="ProcessEngineMySql">
                              <salted-simple-digest-mapper algorithm="password-salt-digest-sha-512" password-index="1" salt-index="2"/>
                          <principal-query sql="SELECT u.PWD_, r.GROUP_ID_ FROM act_id_user u, act_id_membership r WHERE u.ID_ = ? AND u.ID_ = r.USER_ID_" data-source="ProcessEngineMySql">
                                  <attribute to="roles" index="1"/>



      Thanks a lot for your help.
