0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 2, 2020 3:19 PM by jarinek

    https performance wildfly to wildfly



      I struggle on a performance issues in context of SOAP service.


      a standalone java client (jmeter) posts requests to service in a wildfly instance A which (after minor request transformation) posts the requests to a wildfly instance B.

      client -> A -> B



      When the client sends the request directly to B, I have avg. throughput up to 18.000 msg/s.

      When the client sends the request through the full communication path, i.e.  client -> A -> B, we have throughput of 1.000 msg/s. often much less.

      The connection goes through https. The degradation happend on the path A -> B, both A and B are fast enough when considered separately.

      Obviously, I do something wrong.


      Is there any quickstart example, where I can verify my implementation or wildfly setting? Any hints regarding the proper setup?


      wildfly 14.0.1


      Best regards