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1. Re: wildfly 8.2 huge memory allocation during and after deployement
ctomc Jan 7, 2020 5:27 AM (in response to sandevsandev)your config -Xms8g tells jvm to allocate 8GB big heap on startup. that is why it is allocating so much.
-Xmx8g tells it to limit to maximum of 8GB of heap, but in your case where both xmx & xms are same, it just allocates maximum available on startup.
2. Re: wildfly 8.2 huge memory allocation during and after deployement
sandevsandev Jan 7, 2020 5:54 AM (in response to sandevsandev)hi tomaz at startup the server use about 4gb my question is after startup and the server is idle not user connect or use any application deployed the memory still increase to 8g without any reason ? why DeployementScanner-threads allocate size still increase ?
if server startup with 4gb why after some time memory still growth with respect to time