1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 15, 2020 5:51 AM by rhusar

    Kubeping on Kubernetes 1.17


      Hi, I tested Wildfly / Kubeping on Kubernetes 1.17 and got the following issue:


      12:39:26,943 WARN  [org.jgroups.protocols.kubernetes.KUBE_PING] (thread-10,kubernetes,wildfly-deployment-f8d595bb5-s6ljn)
       failed getting JSON response from Kubernetes Client[masterUrl=https://kubernetes.default.svc:443/api/v1, headers={Authorization=#MASKED:999#}, 
      connectTimeout=5000, readTimeout=30000, operationAttempts=3, operationSleep=1000, 
      streamProvider=org.jgroups.protocols.kubernetes.stream.InsecureStreamProvider@39127235] for cluster [kubernetes],
       namespace [labs], labels [app=wildfly]; encountered [java.lang.Exception: 3 attempt(s) with a 1000ms sleep to execute 
      [OpenStream] failed. Last failure was [javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: extension (5) should not be presented in certificate_request]] 


      and I found the following threads:



      After that I tested it on Kubernetes 1.16 and it worked correctly.


      My repo: GitHub - msmagnanijr/wildfly18-kubeping


      I wonder if anyone has seen this before.

