1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 3, 2002 10:36 PM by reverbel

    iiop example


      Dear All,

      I have developed an J2EE application and at the moment I need to give the ability to legacy non-java clients to access some stateless session beans. Since clients are written in C++ on a win32 platform, as far as I can say, the only way to let them speak to my beans is using CORBA. I have played a little bit, with jboss's 3.0 iiop-service and I'v "managed" to enable the COSNaming service and I see from the logs, that the session beans in question has an associated IOR (which is good). I would like to ask, if someone could be point me to a tutorial, reference or resource of any kind, where I could find an example of an C++ programm calling EJBs in a such way.

      Thank's alot
      Filippos Slavik