1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 19, 2002 10:31 PM by russf

    Relationships with JBuilder7 with Jboss 3.0.0 & Tomcat 4.0.3


      I took a Weblogic sample and tried to convert to Jboss. This may have screwed things up, or I may be fighting a JBbuilder or JBoss XML/DTD bug. (Or maybe I'm missing something!)

      I rebuilt the 3 relationships in the example after realizing the XML in ejb-borland was bad. But I still get three instanced each of the same 2 errors:
      #### Error: [Untitled,META-INF/ejb-borland.xml] The content of element type "column-list" is incomplete, it must match "(column-name)+".[line=423,col=44]

      Sure enough, here's the XML for that one...

      ............<column-list />

      ... Column list is empty. It did not appear at all as an element in the WebLogic xml.

      Then we have...

      #### Error: [Untitled,META-INF/ejb-borland.xml] The content of element type "cmr-field" is incomplete, it must match "(cmr-field-name,table-ref,property*)".[line=438,col=30]

      ...complaining about...


      ... where cmr-field is light two elements.

      The OLD weblogic version contained this...


      ... containing the now missing elements.

      Has anyone managed to work around this?
