Configuring an aggregate-realm with a principal-transformer
Posted by aabdelsa in Ashley Abdel-Sayed's Blog on Sep 6, 2019 9:06:14 AMElytron currently supports aggregate security realms which are an aggregate of an authentication-realm and one or more authorization-realms. The authentication-realm is used to load the credentials of an identity or perform evidence verification and the authorization-realms are used to load the identity’s attributes used for authorization. The principal undergoes a series of transformations before being used to load the authentication identity from the aggregate-realm.
The aggregate-realm now supports the attribute principal-transformer. This attribute is optional and allows the user to configure an additional transformation for the principal to undergo after the authentication identity is loaded but before the authorization identity is loaded.
The principal-transformer attribute references a transformer defined in the mappers configuration. This transformer can then be used when configuring an aggregate realm.
This blog post will be making use of:
This example shows how to configure an aggregate-realm with a principal-transformer and how to secure a webapp using the aggregated realm for authentication and authorization.
Configuring the server
A WildFly CLI script that contains all of the commands that are used in this example can be found in the aggregate-realm-principal-transformer project in the elytron-examples repository.
Our first step will be to create our authentication and authorization realms, both of which will be filesystem realms.
The following command will create the authentication realm:
We will then add the identity with the name “guest” and password “guestPwd1!” to the authentication realm:
/subsystem=elytron/filesystem-realm=authenticationRealm:set-password(identity="guest", clear={password="guestPwd1!"})
Next, we create our authorization realm and add an identity with the name “guest-attributes” and the attribute ‘Roles=Users’:
We now have our two realms to be aggregated: authenticationRealm to load the credentials for the identity and authorizationRealm to load the attributes used for authorization. However, the principal for the identities is different for the two realms! To remedy this, we can add a constant principal transformer which will always return the principal “guest-attributes”:
We can then configure our aggregate realm using our two new filesystem realms and principal transformer:
Now our aggregate realm will use the principal “guest” to load the credentials from the authentication realm and then transform the principal to “guest-attributes” to load the attributes from the authorization realm.
We then add a security domain which makes use of our aggregate realm:
We also configure a http-authentication-factory to secure our web application with our new domain:
Finally, we reload the server:
Note: There is now the option to aggregate the attributes of an identity from multiple authorization realms. The principal used for all the authorization realms will be the same one (i.e. the transformed principal if a principal transformer is defined).
Deploying and accessing the application
We’re going to make use of the simple-webapp project. This application allows you to access a secured servlet if your identity has the attribute Roles=Users. It can be deployed using the following commands:
cd $PATH_TO_ELYTRON_EXAMPLES/simple-webapp
mvn clean install wildfly:deploy
You can access the application at http://localhost:8080/simple-webapp/.
Try logging in with the username: “guest” and password: “guestPwd1!”
You are successfully authorized to access the secured application, which means our transformer worked and the attribute Roles=Users was successfully loaded from the authorization-realm using the principal that was transformed from ‘guest’ to ‘guest-attributes’.
This blog post has shown how to use the new optional attribute principal-transformer in an aggregate-realm to transform the principal between the authentication-realm and authorization-realm.
For more information on aggregate realms checkout:
wildfly/Aggregate_Security_Realm.adoc at master · wildfly/wildfly · GitHub