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For all those who missed yesterday's announcement: - JBossAS5 Beta3
I won't go into details, the massive release docs say it all.
But let me just say it's been a complete revamp of AS, down to the core aka kernel. :-)





For those more interested in the new kernel - JBoss Micocontainer - here's where you can now learn more: - JBoss Microcontainer 2.0 User Guide
The current version of JBoss Microcontainer is Beta9, which is also used in current JBossAS5 Beta3, and can be easily used via our Maven2 repository: JBoss Microcontainer Maven2 repository



Since all my previous blog posts included an update of Spring Deployer, this one is no exception.
With the new AS kernel there came a new much improved Deployers architecture as well. As such, the old SpringDeployer wasn't compatible any more. So, I've rewritten the existing SpringDeployer to be compatible with the new style deployers. Since new deployers are more fine grained, this meant splitting the existing deployer into two aspect deployers - one able to recognize -spring.xml files, the second one instantiating BeanFactory and binding it into JNDI.
The rest of the Spring beans injection logic remained the same.
Here's the link to the binaries: Spring Deployer 3.0
As before, simply drop the jboss-spring.deployer into JBOSS_HOME/server/your_config_here/deployers directory. This will currently pick up all meatdata files that end with -spring.xml. To support the old .spring archive, simply rename them to .jar :-), or add a .spring suffix to JARStructure - for more details, turn to our forum.



And since it's almost holidays time, happy Xmas and successful year 2008 to you all. I know we're gonna have a blast, JBoss5 star is looking bright!

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