Some of you may have already seen this press release that went out on the wire. If not, take a look here:

Red Hat Expands Security Leadership by Seeking Common Criteria Certification for JBoss and MetaMatrix Solutions

At JBoss, we take security pretty seriously. I am on the technical committees of many of the standards at Oasis, JCP and the W3C. Some of the standards where I work include the Oasis SSTC (responsible for SAML), WS-Federation, XACML and Enterprise Key Management Initiative (EKMI).

I am also the co-editor of an important W3C specification that will define how every individual browses in the next 3-10 years. The specification is here: Web Security Context: Experience, Indicators, and Trust

Tuesday, I am making a presentation at the Computer Security Institute (CSI) conference in Washington DC. Robust Web-Based Security Using OASIS SAML and XACML

Please visit my blog regularly for the latest thoughts and happenings. You can visit Anil Saldhana's Blog on Security and Identity Management

Do you feel secure?