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Training EJB 3

Posted by bill.burke Jan 19, 2006
This week, I am doing a JBoss Advanced training down in Orlando. When I got to the sight, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that they were an EJB 3.0 shop. It seems they have a few products coming out later this year and decided on EJB 3.0 to implement this new project. Here's some of the things they said:


We were required to be standards based and did some research before the project began and jumped on EJB 3.0 because all the XML alternative approaches just seemed too unproductive


There is no possible way we could have accomplished as much as we did in so short of time if we had gone the EJB 2.1 route. Our developers were amazingly productive using EJB 3.0


The moral of the story is that the more people I talk to about EJB 3.0, the more I learn that it is a vast improvement over the older specification and that the spec is headed in the right direction. I'm trying to extract a testimonial from these guys, so you should see something soon on this.


Ya know? It is refreshing to speak to people that are actually trying out this technology, instead of just blindly denouncing this because they are emotionally attached to some of the EJB-alternative frameworks out there. Anyways...


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