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Is Serialization Slow? Debunk another Java urban myth with JBoss Serialization

Well, if the past is any guidance in the short history of J2EE, conventional wisdom is often wrong. This one is no exception. As I will prove with JBoss Serialization, you can in fact make object copying a lot faster (more than 70% faster to be accurate) and hence drastically boost performance of call-by-value operations in your applications.

First, I must note that object serialization is not just about I/O. Serialization is about transformation – converting objects into bytes for easy transportation. The only thing that makes ObjectOutputStream an I/O operation is the fact that it extends an I/O class. Everything happening inside ObjectOutputStream is about reflection, and converting these objects into bytes back and forth.

Now, to improve serialization performance, the interesting questions are: What if you could have intermediate metadata to do more than just send bytes across the stream? What if you only wanted to copy an object between different class loaders (or different applications inside the same VM)?

I had that need, and created such metadata as the way to copy objects between different applications without actually converting then to Byte Arrays. Doing this saved a lot of CPU time on call-by-value operations. The new high performance Java object serialization framework is known as JBoss Serialization. It is now used inside the JBoss application server to support JBoss EJB3 container implementation.

The core concept behind JBoss Serialization is "smart cloning": a reflection layer capturing properties into a DataContainer (the metadata), using every aspect of the Serialization specification (every aspect except one, the protocol wire, as I don’t have a wire on that case). It’s much faster to get a reference for each final and immutable object (Strings for example) than converting them individually to byte arrays. For example, this is what happens every time you send an integer over the wire (or the temporary byte array used to do a copy):

Byte1= (someInteger>>> 24) & 0xFF

Byte2= (someInteger >>> 16) & 0xFF

Byte3= (someInteger >>> 8) & 0xFF

Byte4= (someInteger >>> 0) & 0xFF

Smart cloning instead uses a DataContainer (through interfaces like DataOutput and DataInput), and reuses the entire integer between two different Class/Classloaders. It also uses other parts of Serialization like Externalization, writeReplace, and some private methods like writeObject and readObject (part of the Serialization Specification).

Originally, I started JBoss Serialization as a way to smart clone objects, but then I realized that I could easily save the DataContainer to a regular stream (like saving the actual state of a transformation). I expected this to be as expensive as serialization due to the data transformations, but to my surprise in most cases JBoss Serialization was faster than Java Serialization. (about 15% on serialization over the wire, and 70% on call by value operations). The result is a really nice project that can be used to copy objects and serialize objects (even non serializable objects now, as I can ignore the tag interface if specified so).

JBoss Serialization is also avoiding any synchronization bottlenecks on the metadata, what improves the metadata discovery significantly

So, if you need to copy an object, don’t use ObjectOutputStream any more. Use JBossObjectOutputStream.smartClone method.

Or if you want to serialize something non serializable, you might want also to try JBoss Serialization. All you have to do is:

ObjectOutputStream out = new JBossObjectOutputStream(someOutput);

ObjectInputStream inp = new JBossObjectInputStream(someInput);

Increasing call-by-value performance by 70% with a simple refactor. That is the power of JBoss Serialization.

To learn more, you can refer to the JBoss Serialization project page:


There is a download package for JbossProfiler now.


We have had people using it just by downloading it from CVS without any problems. As we have a download package now, I hope more people will use it:


Usually a Junit test can run only once per JunitReport execution.


This is because each execution will create a new XML, and the second execution would delete the result from the first one.


Now say if you want the same JUnitTest runnint as a singlenode and cluster. You won't be able to have these results unless you create two JunitClasses.


Well, we have found an alternate way for doing this, and it's documented at this wiki page:


Cactus is a nice framework for being used into engagements and customers.


It brings you a nice way to interact your tests with your EJBs and JSPs, as you won't need to deal with remote interfaces and certain configurations.


It uses a simple HTTP protocol sending your JUnit tests right inside the WebContainer.


There is a empty implementation here at, which uses the simplest possible configuration not dealing with any special AntTask and easily integrated with any IDE (eclipse, Idea, ...)


Take a look and have fun! :-)