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The AeroGear team is happy to announce the first community release of the AeroGear Push Server downloadable OpenShift cartridge. This cartridge handles the necessary installation and configuration for getting both the AeroGear UnifiedPush Server and the AeroGear SimplePush Server deployed to OpenShift in minutes. In particular, the cartridge provides:


  • the AeroGear UnifiedPush Server deployed to JBoss Application Server 7 on OpenShift
  • the AeroGear SimplePush Server embedded within the same JBoss Application Server 7 instance
  • MySQL datasources for persistence for both the AeroGear UnifiedPush Server and the AeroGear SimplePush Server


Getting started on OpenShift


Want to try out the downloadable cartridge? It's easy! Just follow these two simple steps:


  1. Create an OpenShift account and follow the instructions in the Getting Started guide to install the OpenShift command line tools.
  2. Create your AeroGear Push Server OpenShift application using the following command (notice that this command also adds the MySQL OpenShift cartridge to your application):
rhc app create <APP> mysql-5.1


That's it! Now:


  • You can access the AeroGear UnifiedPush Server Administration Console via the following URL. Temporarily, there is an "admin:123" user. You will need to change this password when you first log in. Check out the Administration Console user guide for more information about the console.
  • Client applications can establish secured connections to the AeroGear SimplePush Server via


  • The AeroGear UnifiedPush Server and the AeroGear SimplePush Server persist all data to the MySQL database that's been added to your application's gear.


For more information about the downloadable cartridge, check out the cartridge documentation.


What's next?


The AeroGear Push Server OpenShift cartridge will soon be available directly from OpenShift Online. Stay tuned for that! In the meantime, we encourage you to provide feedback on the downloadable cartridge via our mailing list.

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