RichFaces 4.5.6.Final is available for download.
In this release we have enhanced file size handling for rich:fileUpload - you can now specify "maxFileSize" directly on the component and it will also serve to reject large files immediately on client-side. We've also added support for transparent color in custom skin properties.
Release Notes
- [RF-11091] - Autocomplete component is wrongly aligned
- [RF-11606] - rich:select : doesn't cast selectItem value
- [RF-12054] - TabPanel onitemchange of outer tab fired by inner tab
- [RF-12362] - skin color parameters do not support "transparent"
- [RF-14025] - Photoalbum login via social sites
- [RF-14035] - Showcase context menu: JS error in console
- [RF-14039] - Collapsible Panel Icon Regression
- [RF-14043] - rich:tabPanel does not switch if rich:tab has number value name
- [RF-14044] - push: error in browser console after push enabled/disabled
Component Upgrade
- [RF-14038] - Upgrade third-party libraries
- [RF-14023] - rich:contextMenu - on ajax re-render the destroy function doesn`t clean up properly
- [RF-14034] - PageFragments: Implement workaround for contextClick on PhantomJS
Feature Request
- [RF-6524] - maxRequestSize for richfile upload should be made configurable per component and not globally.
- [RF-12395] - fileUpload validations must be done on client