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RichFaces 4.5.12.Final is available for download.


In this release we have fixed a bug in rich:chart that prevented displaying sparse data sets and fixed a problem with nested elements inside rich:autocomplete (such as rich:placeholder). A "default node" functionality has been added to rich:tree, consult the showcase example to see how it works (part of this feature was already in place but largely undocumented).


Release Notes


  • [RF-10642] -         Autocomplete does not have a title attribute
  • [RF-11327] -         Inplace Input - typing a space into the input field
  • [RF-14205] -         rich:chart does not render sparse datasets
  • [RF-14206] -         fileUpload: custom progressBar is not used


        Component  Upgrade

  • [RF-14204] -         Upgrade third-party libraries



  • [RF-10935] -         Component reference: add section about icons of collapsible panel
  • [RF-14201] -         showcase: put integration tests to default tests directory
  • [RF-14207] -         VDL-doc: a4j:ajax doesn't specify default for @execute


        Feature Request

  • [RF-10169] -         Panel Menu - propagate top{Group,Item}* customization attributes to their regular equivalent
  • [RF-11902] -         [rich:autocomplete] attachQueue doesn't work
  • [RF-12643] -         Fix deprecations warnings in Java code
  • [RF-12887] -         Nodes with types that are not listed in <rich:treeNode> are not rendered
  • [RF-12948] -         rich:autocomplete problems with nested rich:placeholder
  • [RF-13139] -         popupPanel duplicated if double clicking links for opening popup
  • [RF-13408] -         ExtendedDataTable, ajax loading delay of 1000ms
  • [RF-14199] -         rich:calendar disabled dates can be selected by using keyboard



  • [RF-14198] -         photoalbum: stabilize TestUserLogging test
  • [RF-14202] -         cleanup profiles for integration tests



  • [RF-14208] -         update component reference and add a showcase example for default node

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