As an evening fun, I've added JBoss AS CLI client as a plugin to the JawaBot IRC bot.

That way, more admins may see and discuss the changes they're doing on the fly.

With some security added, it could be useful for someone.

Also I'm going to add IrcAppender so that also logs can be read.


Enjoy :-)


(00:50:50) ozizka: cli connect localhost admin
(00:50:51) JawaBot: ozizka: Connected to localhost
(00:50:59) ozizka:  /system-property=foo:add(value=bar)
(00:51:00) JawaBot: ozizka: OK: {"outcome" => "success"}
(00:51:13) ozizka:  /system-property=foo:read-resource
(00:51:13) JawaBot: ozizka: {
(00:51:13) JawaBot: ozizka:     "outcome" => "success",
(00:51:13) JawaBot: ozizka:     "result" => {"value" => "bar"}
(00:51:14) JawaBot: ozizka: }
(00:51:22) ozizka:  /system-property=foo:remove(value=bar)
(00:51:22) JawaBot: ozizka: OK: {"outcome" => "success"}
(00:51:26) ozizka: cli disconnect
(00:51:26) gpark: ozizka: Closed.





package org.jboss.jawabot.plugin.jbossascli.irc;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode;
import org.jboss.jawabot.JawaBot;
import org.jboss.jawabot.ex.JawaBotException;
import org.jboss.jawabot.ex.JawaBotIOException;
import org.jboss.jawabot.irc.IIrcPluginHook;
import org.jboss.jawabot.irc.IrcBotProxy;
import org.jboss.jawabot.irc.IrcPluginException;
import org.jboss.jawabot.irc.IrcPluginHookBase;
import org.jboss.jawabot.irc.ent.IrcEvMessage;
import org.jboss.loom.utils.as7.AS7CliUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 *  JBoss AS CLI client over IRC. Could be fun.
 *  @author Ondrej Zizka
public class JBossAsCliPlugin extends IrcPluginHookBase implements IIrcPluginHook<Object> {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( JBossAsCliPlugin.class );

    private static final String PLUGIN_NAME = "jboss-as-cli";

    private static final Pattern PAT_CLI_CMD = Pattern.compile("((?:/\\w+)*):([\\w-]+(\\(.*\\))?)");

    // CLI
    private ModelControllerClient cli;
    private Set<String> operators = new HashSet();

    @Inject private JawaBot jawaBot;

    // Just one at a time. Could handle more connections in the future.
    public void onMessage( IrcEvMessage msg, IrcBotProxy bot ) throws IrcPluginException {

        String pl = msg.getPayload().trim();

        // Connect
        if( msg.getPayload().startsWith("cli connect ") ){
            String[] parts = StringUtils.split( pl );
            if( parts.length < 4 ){
                bot.sendReplyTo( msg, "Try `cli connect <host> <user> [<port>]`. You'll be asked for password on PM.");
            } else {
                try {
                    int port = parts.length > 4 ? Integer.parseInt(parts[4]) : 9999;

                    //ModelControllerClientConfiguration conf = new 
                    this.cli = CLIModelControllerClient.Factory.create( parts[2], port );
                    this.operators.add( msg.getUser() );
                    bot.sendReplyTo( msg, "Connected to " + parts[2]);
                } catch( Exception ex ) {
                    bot.sendReplyTo( msg, "Can't connect: " + ex.getMessage() );

        // Disconnect
        if( msg.getPayload().startsWith("cli disconnect") ){
            if( ! this.operators.contains( msg.getUser() ) ){
                this.onlyOpsInfo( msg, bot ); return;
            try {
                this.cli = null;
                bot.sendReplyTo( msg, "Closed." );
            } catch( Exception ex ) {
                bot.sendReplyTo( msg, "Sorry, failed: " + ex.getMessage() );

        // Add operator
        if( msg.getPayload().startsWith("cli addop ") ){
            String[] parts = StringUtils.split( pl );
            if( ! this.operators.contains( msg.getUser() ) ){
                this.onlyOpsInfo( msg, bot ); return;
            try {
                this.operators.add( parts[2] );
                bot.sendReplyTo( msg, "Added." );
            } catch( Exception ex ) {
                bot.sendReplyTo( msg, "Sorry, failed: " + ex.getMessage() );
            this.cli = null;

        // CLI Command
        boolean find = PAT_CLI_CMD.matcher(pl).find();
        if( find ){
            if( ! this.operators.contains( msg.getUser() ) ){
                this.onlyOpsInfo( msg, bot ); return;
            if( this.cli == null ){
                bot.sendReplyTo( msg, "Not connected. Try `cli connect ...`" );
            try {
                ModelNode res = this.cli.execute( AS7CliUtils.parseCommand( pl, true ) );
                final String resStr = res.toString();
                if( ! resStr.contains("\n") )
                    bot.sendReplyTo( msg, "OK: " + resStr );
                else {
                    for( String string : StringUtils.split( resStr, "\n")) {
                        bot.sendReplyTo( msg, string );
            } catch( Exception ex ) {
                bot.sendReplyTo( msg, "Sorry, failed: " + ex.getMessage() );
    }// onMessage()

    private void onlyOpsInfo( IrcEvMessage msg, IrcBotProxy bot ) {
        String ops = StringUtils.join( operators, ", ");
        bot.sendReplyTo( msg, "You can't do that. Ask "+ops+" to add you. `cli addop "+msg.getUser()+"`" );

}// class