I'm pleased to announce that version 1.0.0 of the WindRide project, an EAP config migration tool, was released.
WindRide is a complement to WindUp. While Windup helps with application migration, WindRide migrates EAP configuration (from 5 to 6).
How to try it
There's a demo video which shows how to use WindRide. In short, it's these steps:
- Have EAP 5 directory with your config
- Download, unzip and run EAP 6
- Download and run WindRide, giving it the paths to both EAP 5 and EAP 6
- java -jar WindRide-1.0.0.jar src.dir=jboss-eap-5.2/jboss-as dest.dir=jboss-eap-6.1 app.path=MyCoolApp.war
- Done!
What's new?
* Version 1.0.0 has externalized migration rules. You can customize existing migration steps, or write your own, e.g. for WebLogic.
* The project was renamed to WindRide from previous codename SwanLoom.
* The maven artifact used for distribution is now named org.jboss.migr.as.WindRide.
After the artifact rename, the binaries will be available under:
This release's distribution jar is available at:
Documentation, issues, source code
Documentation: Github Wiki - https://github.com/OndraZizka/jboss-migration/wiki
Source code: Github - https://github.com/OndraZizka/jboss-migration
Issue tracking: Jira - https://issues.jboss.org/browse/MIGR