A new veresion of Windup was released.
What's new? Windup is faster, rules are shorter, few bugfixes, a bit nicer API.
Download here.
Application Index page lacks technology list and effort information
XML Handlers do not support nested rules
Fix the cyclic dependency between windup and windup-rulesets
Quickstarts tests fail with a NPE
Rename Implicit to Dependent
WindupRuleProvider should contain a location/origin field (to indicate where it was defined)
Build fails with BOM missing
Classes in java.lang package may differ in how they are parsed
Identify Archives Ruleset: Improve memory footprint
Allow rules metadata to be specified with annotations - @Rules( phase = ..., ...)
Change ruleset category metadata to tag-like system (make it a set of strings)
Rule Externalization - Create XML Handlers for Rule metadata
Rename the module "utils" to "windup-utils"
Phase pseudo-RuleProviders to have ~Phase suffix
[Performance] Multiple valueStores even if the rule does not use parameters
Rule Externalization - Create user-interface for selecting source/target platforms
Rule Externalization - Introduce a Rule, RuleProvider and RulesetMetadata API
Fix severe regression in AST performance
StackOverflowException when generating Application report
Rule Externalization - Allow filtering of RuleProviders by tags (categories)
Add Severity to Hint
WINDUP-463 Expand all addons with simple layout to use full api/impl/tests structure
WINDUP-463 Review all rules, organize into an external repository, and add useful hint information with links to knowledge articles