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Recently I have completed migration of my applications from 4.0.3SP1 to 5.1.0.GA.


Below are the Challenges I have faced


1. My old application is 2.2 web.xml dtd. So I upgraded web.xml dtd version to 2.3.


2. In 5.1.0.GA dtd validation is strict. So web.xml entries need to be in order according to the dtd.


3. I have upgraded my applications to hibernate 3.0.5 to 3.3.3.GA. practically there is no change in the application. And also I have not bundled the hibernate jar in my war file.


4. I am using facelets 1.1.9 It is not working in JBOSS  5.1.0. I have upgraded to facelets1.1.15.b


5. Added an entry in web.xml which specifies JSF jars bundled in the war file.

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