0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 16, 2007 8:54 AM by antoine_h

    HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Session, Cookie fro


      Here some code to get and use the HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, HttpSession, read and write Cookies from a PortletRequest (in processAction method or doView).

      This is not compliant with JSR-168. And is "as is", and may not work.

      import java.util.logging.Logger;
      import javax.portlet.PortletRequest;
      import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
      import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
      import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
      import org.jboss.portal.portlet.aspects.portlet.ContextDispatcherInterceptor;
      import org.jboss.portal.portlet.impl.spi.AbstractInvocationContext;
      import org.jboss.portal.portlet.invocation.PortletInvocation;
      import org.jboss.portal.portlet.spi.InvocationContext;
       * A class to help manage the HttpServletRequest and Session of the portal.
      public class HttpServletRequestHelper {
       private static final Logger log = Logger
       * For getting and using the HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse.
       * This method retieve the {@link HttpServletRequest} from the
       * {@link PortletRequest}. It call first the
       * {@link #getAbstractInvocationContext(PortletRequest, String)} to get the
       * {@link AbstractInvocationContext}, then retrive the HttpServletRequest
       * from it.
       * <p>
       * See the code for details of how it retrieves it.
       * </p>
       * @param request
       * The PortletRequest.
       * @param msgLogPrefix
       * The message prefix for all log, to tell from where this
       * helping method was called.
       * @return
       public static final HttpServletRequest getHttpServletRequest(
       PortletRequest request, String msgLogPrefix) {
       // Try to cast the context of invocation to an AbstractInvocationContext
       AbstractInvocationContext abstractInvCtxt = getAbstractInvocationContext(
       request, msgLogPrefix);
       HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = null;
       if (abstractInvCtxt != null) {
       // The AbstractInvocationContext exists : try to retrieve the client
       // httpServletRequest.
       httpServletRequest = abstractInvCtxt.getClientRequest();
       if (httpServletRequest == null) {
       log.warning(msgLogPrefix + " The HttpServletRequest is null !");
       } else {
       + " The AbstractInvocationContext is null !");
       return httpServletRequest;
       * This method retieve the {@link HttpServletRequest} from the
       * {@link PortletRequest}. It call first the
       * {@link #getAbstractInvocationContext(PortletRequest, String)} to get the
       * {@link AbstractInvocationContext}, then retrive the HttpServletResponse
       * from it.
       * <p>
       * See the code for details of how it retrieves it.
       * </p>
       * @param request
       * The PortletRequest.
       * @param msgLogPrefix
       * The message prefix for all log, to tell from where this
       * helping method was called.
       * @return
       public static final HttpServletResponse getHttpServletResponse(
       PortletRequest request, String msgLogPrefix) {
       // Try to cast the context of invocation to an AbstractInvocationContext
       AbstractInvocationContext abstractInvCtxt = getAbstractInvocationContext(
       request, msgLogPrefix);
       HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse = null;
       if (abstractInvCtxt != null) {
       // The AbstractInvocationContext exists : try to retrieve the client
       // httpServletRequest.
       httpServletResponse = abstractInvCtxt.getClientResponse();
       if (httpServletResponse == null) {
       + " The HttpServletResponse is null !");
       } else {
       + " The AbstractInvocationContext is null !");
       return httpServletResponse;
       * This method retieve the {@link AbstractInvocationContext} from the
       * {@link PortletRequest}. The {@link AbstractInvocationContext} is used to
       * get the ClientRequest etc...
       * <p>
       * See the code for details of how it retrieves it.
       * </p>
       * @param request
       * The PortletRequest.
       * @param msgLogPrefix
       * The message prefix for all log, to tell from where this
       * helping method was called.
       * @return
       public static final AbstractInvocationContext getAbstractInvocationContext(
       PortletRequest request, String msgLogPrefix) {
       PortletInvocation portletInvocation = (PortletInvocation) request
       // return portletInvocation.getDispatchedRequest();
       // Get the context of the invocation
       InvocationContext invocationContext = portletInvocation.getContext();
       // Try to cast the context of invocation to an AbstractInvocationContext
       AbstractInvocationContext abstractInvCtxt = null;
       if (invocationContext != null) {
       if (invocationContext instanceof AbstractInvocationContext) {
       abstractInvCtxt = (AbstractInvocationContext) invocationContext;
       } else {
       + " The InvocationContext is not of instance of AbstractInvocationContext !");
       log.warning(msgLogPrefix + " The InvocationContext is : "
       + invocationContext + " // "
       + invocationContext.getClass().getName() + " // "
       + invocationContext.toString());
       } else {
       log.warning(msgLogPrefix + " The invocationContext is null !");
       return abstractInvCtxt;
       * End of For getting and using the HttpServletRequest and
       * HttpServletResponse.
       * Set and retrieve a Cookie
       * Return the cookie with name cookieName, from the
       * {@link HttpServletRequest}, or null if not found. Does not check for the path
       * @param httpRequest
       * @param cookieName
       * The name of the cookie to look for
       * @param msgLogPrefix
       * The message prefix for all log, to tell from where this
       * helping method was called.
       * @return The cookie, or null if not found.
       public static Cookie getCookie(HttpServletRequest httpRequest,
       String cookieName, String cookiePath, String msgLogPrefix) {
       Cookie cookieRet = null;
       Cookie[] cookieTab = httpRequest.getCookies();
       // log.warning(msgLogPrefix + " The list of cookies :"
       // + msgCookieListAsString(cookieTab));
       if (cookieTab != null) {
       for (int i = 0; i < cookieTab.length; i++) {
       if (cookieTab.getName().compareTo(cookieName) == 0) {
       // log.warning(msgLogPrefix + " i = " + i
       // + " same name cookieTab.getName()="
       // + cookieTab.getName());
       // log.warning(msgLogPrefix + " i = " + i
       // + " PATH cookieTab.getPath()="
       // + cookieTab.getPath());
       cookieRet = cookieTab;
       // } else {
       // log
       // .warning(msgLogPrefix
       // + " The List of cookies is null. From HttpServletRequest :
       // LocalAddr="
       // + httpRequest.getLocalAddr() + ", and LocalName="
       // + httpRequest.getLocalName() + ", and user="
       // + httpRequest.getRemoteUser());
       return cookieRet;
       * Store a cookie.
       * @param httpResponse
       * @param cookieName
       * @param cookiePath
       * @param cookieValue
       * @param maxAgeSeconds
       * The cookie will expire after that many seconds have passed.
       * See {@link Cookie#setMaxAge(int)}. One year = 60*60*24*365 =
       * 31536000 sec.
       * @param msgLogPrefix
       public static void storeCookie(HttpServletResponse httpResponse,
       String cookieName, String cookiePath, String cookieValue,
       int maxAgeSeconds, String msgLogPrefix) {
       Cookie cookie = new Cookie(cookieName, cookieValue);
       cookie.setMaxAge(maxAgeSeconds); // one year = 60*60*24*365
       // log.warning(msgLogPrefix + " cookie.setMaxAge = " +
       // cookie.getMaxAge()
       // + ", and LocalName=" + "");
       * Return the log message of a cookie : name, path, value, maxAge.
       * @param cookie
       * @return
       public static String msgCookieAsString(Cookie cookie) {
       String msgRet = "Cookie[" + cookie.getName() + "], path=["
       + cookie.getPath() + "]" + ", value=" + cookie.getValue()
       + ", maxAge=" + cookie.getMaxAge() + ", domain="
       + cookie.getDomain() + "";
       return msgRet;
       * Return the log message of the list of cookie.
       * @param cookieTab
       * @return
       public static String msgCookieListAsString(Cookie[] cookieTab) {
       String msgRet = null;
       if (cookieTab == null) {
       msgRet = "Cookie list is null !";
       return msgRet;
       } else {
       msgRet = "Cookie list size=" + cookieTab.length;
       for (int i = 0; i < cookieTab.length; i++) {
       msgRet = msgRet + "\ni=" + i + ", "
       + msgCookieAsString(cookieTab);
       return msgRet;
       * End of Set and retrieve a Cookie