Seam deployments and hot deployments in AS 5.1.0
jaikiran Aug 7, 2009 10:30 AMWhile looking for an workaround for the issue with Seam applications on AS 5.1.0, i tried various things without much success. All of the possible workarounds are listed in that thread. Each workaround introduced a new issue with the seam applications.
The ultimate fix for the issue will come from JBDEPLOYER project 2.0.8 GA version which fixed the MetaDataStructureModificationChecker to provide a "cacheFilter" property. So one of the ways to workaround the issue in AS 5.1.0 would be to upgrade the jboss-deployers-vfs jar and jboss-deployers-vfs-spi jar in JBOSS_HOME/lib to use the 2.0.8 GA version and update the JBOSS_HOME/server/conf/bootstrap/profile.xml to use the "cacheFilter" property of MetaDataStructureModificationChecker. As part of this fix, new SPI was introduced in vfs-deployers-spi project. However vfs-deployers has no default implementations (like XmlIncludeVirtualFileFilter, PatternIncludeVirtualFileFilter etc...). These implementations are within the AS code base
This effectively means that the issue cannot be worked around by replacing the deployers jars, but will require an AS release. That means there is no *practical* workaround for AS 5.1.0 release for Seam applications to fix the issue.
One way to workaround this issue without an AS release would be to port the org.jboss.system.server.profile.basic.XmlIncludeVirtualFileFilter and such filter from the AS, into the deployers project or provide similar default implementations in the deployers project. That way, we could do a new release of the deployers and ask the users to use this newly released deployer jars to replace the ones in AS.
Thoughts? By the way, shouldn't those filter implementations be in the deployers project, in the first place?
P.S: I'll open a separate thread to discuss whether we really need to be doing all this logic for hot deployment or should we follow a simpler approach if possible, like AS 4.x. I know this was discussed in the dev-list once, but i think we need to revisit it again.