1 2 Previous Next 21 Replies Latest reply on Apr 3, 2007 12:58 PM by dlachance Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Could not create deployment....

        Josh, from the output, it would seem you were able to send a quote request, and receive the email reply:

        2007-02-04 23:20:48,109 INFO [org.jboss.soa.esb.samples.trailblazer.util.ProcessEmail] customer SSN 1234567890 - sending email to: j.f.hepworth-smith@ncl.ac.uk

        Did you get the email quote? I don't see any problems in this log. If you're seeing any warnings/errors on the web service side (in your JBoss AS) then you should put up the server.log file from your jbossas/server/default/log directory.

        • 16. Re: Could not create deployment....

          Sorry about that. I probably should have stated that I was receiving the email ok, its just this bug which is annoying.

          I deleted the server log and ran everything again, the server log is:


          The cause of the fault is the tbCreditAGency, and surely thats a trailblazer problem? Not a problem with my setup, however, saying that, it doesnt seem like other people are having this problem.

          • 17. Re: Could not create deployment....

            Josh, how are you deploying the TB, with the SAR deployer or manually from the Tb directory through the ANT task?

            • 18. Re: Could not create deployment....

              Im following the TB Guide, so:

              ant compile (in <TB_root>)
              ant compile (in <TB_root>/banks)

              then I start the App Server.

              ant deploy-war (in <TB_root>)

              - so I think the answer to your question is that im deploying it through the ANT task (ant deploy-war?).



              - btw, ive just gone through the installation process on a fresh linux (Ubuntu) install (infact ive done the same thing to the letter) and it is bringing up the same error.

              • 19. Re: Could not create deployment....

                I was having the same registry lookup error and found a fix.

                The Trailblazer Ant task "deploy-war" copies the trailblazer\jbossesb-properties.xml file to the app server default conf location, but it does not copy the trailblazer\esb\conf\jbossesb.xml file to the app server conf location.

                If you copy the jbossesb.xml file to the app server default conf location before running the app server the sample works.

                Note: The file is also copied you run the "deploy-jars" Ant task which also copies the jbossesb-gateway.xml and jbossesb-listener.xml files but the sample ran fine without the last two files present.

                • 20. Re: Could not create deployment....

                  What version of the distro are you using.? All this has changed since the 4.2 milestone release.

                  • 21. Re: Could not create deployment....

                    Right, sorry, I figured with topic was still on the 4.0 track. I am using the JBossESB 4.0 GA bundle (jbossesb-4.0GA-bundle.zip).

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