1 2 Previous Next 20 Replies Latest reply on Mar 5, 2008 2:38 PM by lafbarbosa Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Doubts about ESB configuration

        Here are a couple of tips: first, create a new forum entry that we can track this in now that you know what you have to do. Second, create an architecture diagram indicating where you think the ESBs would fit within what you are trying to do.

        • 16. Re: Doubts about ESB configuration

          Adapter is in the generic pattern. Your tool will need to provide a UI to your user to capture whatever it is they wish to express. You'll need to hold that meta-data in some way and then generate the appropriate deployment descriptors per ESB. Each ESB has a different deployment/configuration XML files.

          Plus you'll need to figure out how your end-user will express the logic of the new service. Java? Groovy? The OSS-based ESBs allow both. JBossESB also allows you to use Drools to express the logic of a service.

          There is a ton you'll need to learn in order to build the tool you are describing. I assume you have lots of time. :-)

          • 17. Re: Doubts about ESB configuration

            Thank you Mark and Burr for your answers!

            Well, I chose to develop the web based wizard to configure services in the ESB "and make possible the wizard to deploy the services too".

            So, in this way, it is still not very clear for me if always that I configure some service in an ESB I must deploy some package (.esb package) into the ESB too. Is it right or can I only put the informations about service into a global jboss-esb.xml file and all the other things in an Application Server? All these things will be into an .esb package in an ESB or in an AS?

            Do you know if are there tools to do this (deployment of services that will be published in an ESB)? It seems that Eclipse's plugins for Mule and Websphere does it. Is it possible through JBossIDE?

            I ask this because when we use the JBossESBConfigEditor, we only handle the xml file for configuration and don't send any package to the ESB.

            Thanks in advance!



            • 18. Re: Doubts about ESB configuration

              Hi people,

              Now I can understand that the features implemented by an ESB (like transformation, routing, etc) must be in an .esb file deployed into JBossESB. And the service forwarded through the JBossESB could be deployed into an JBoss AS.

              Now, think about the day-by-day of a developer. This guy develops a service, registers it in an web application that controls all the components the company has, provides this service in an ESB (JBossESB), but he provides it through the web application. So, in this web application, he makes the configuration of the service provided through the ESB (into the ESB... if is enough put the .esb package into server/default/deploy, please, forget this configuration step) and deploys it in the ESB too.

              What I would like to know now, please, is:
              - If there is some Eclipse plugin (or another one or a tool else) that helps to do the deployment of .esb packages into the JBossESB.
              - If this deployment of .esb package can be done through the JBossESBConfigEditor.

              I ask this because I would like to have these features in a wizard to configure and deploy .esb files into JBossESB. Including, I would like to discuss with you where would be better put each of these features:
              - If would be better put the feature of deployment of .esb packages in a plugin, and;
              - If would be better put the feature of configure alone in the wizard of my web application.

              Actually, I was thinking about put both in the wizard of my web application.

              I was not thinking about only copy an .esb package into the JBossESB jbossesb-server-4.2.1GA/server/default/deploy, but
              generate .esb package and put it into the directory.

              • 19. Re: Doubts about ESB configuration


                - If there is some Eclipse plugin (or another one or a tool else) that helps to do the deployment of .esb packages into the JBossESB.

                Not at this time. Creation of a .esb and deployment is handled via an ant script in the quickstarts folder. It is actually very simple to create a .esb so you could do that in an Eclipse Plug-in and via a web browser based application. A .esb is a very simple file format, basically the jboss-esb.xml file goes in a META-INF folder and you can zip it up. Or leave it unzipped for deployment. A copy to the deploy directory is all that is needed.

                - If this deployment of .esb package can be done through the JBossESBConfigEditor.

                This Flash-based editor only works with exploded (unzipped) .esb archives in the deploy folder. As far as I know, it can't deploy a brand new .esb.

                It is a simple zip file with a .esb extension (like .jar, .war, .ear) with the "magic" file living in META-INF and called jboss-esb.xml (like web.xml, application.xml). If you "touch" that file it causes redeployment of all services defined in that configuration file.


                • 20. Re: Doubts about ESB configuration

                  Thanks for your answer Burr!

                  So, the usability of JBossESBConfigEditor is to create, alter and delete providers and services in all the jboss-esb.xml files of anyone .esb package. So, I have to select an .esb package in the field "Load configuration to server" of tab Server and press Load button. Then I can see the services and providers. Fine!

                  Ok. So, JBossESBConfigEditor can read and alter jboss-esb.xml files of each .esb package deployed in the JBossESB server.

                  In this way, it would be better to do the deployment by copying the .esb package into server/default/deploy directory. Is there a way (permission) to make the upload of .esb packages through my web application to this directory by default or should I ask to the JBossESB's admin configure it? And another one way like a web
                  interface in the JBossESB server?


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