1 2 Previous Next 16 Replies Latest reply on Jun 15, 2006 11:11 PM by gohip Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Does anyone have a up to date proc for building source

        I GOT IT TO WORK!!!!

        After downloading EJb3 and creating the client directory and placing jboss-ejb3.jar in that directory

        I got the aop error

        I then downloaded the latest AOP and copied the contents of jboss-aop-jsk50.deployer
        into the server/default/deploy.jboss-aop-jsk50.deployer direcory of my installed mail server.

        Next was a problem where if you pick a datasource name for your database.
        (I am using postgresql)
        I picked to create a new datasource and named it PGDs. It actually puts PGDs in some of the xml files but uses PostgresDS as the datasource name.
        I reconfigured and changed everything to PostgresDS and it started up, created the tables and now is working on port 25

        Good god.

        I don't know how anyone installs the basic stuff or it is on a different os.
        Mine is XP SP2

        Now I can sleep without nightmares :)

        • 16. Re: Does anyone have a up to date proc for building source

          very glad you got it going man, glad i didnt have the same issues, dont know why I didnt have to do any of the things you did with copying aop jar and ejb, etc, but superbly glad.

          I think, I might of had to create the client dir though...

          happy coding, now you get to have fun with the maillistener!

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