1. Re: Newbie: ORB Notify Channel Source JCA
vickyk Apr 26, 2010 11:05 PM (in response to starblazer74)I am not able to understand your questions clearly, however have you looked at the following wiki?
2. Re: Newbie: ORB Notify Channel Source JCA
starblazer74 May 11, 2010 6:31 AM (in response to vickyk)Hi Vicky,
I was able to create a JCA Source connector and for the basic it works
What is happening I guess is much more related on how ORB is creating and handling instances internally.
To be more clear first time I start JBoss with my connector everything works well and I see (as I request it into jacorb properties file) the banner of Jacorb following the initialization of orb instance using ORB.init. See the sample below
2010-05-11 12:06:21,625 ERROR [STDERR] 2010-05-11 12:06:21.625 INFO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~JacORB V 2.3.1, www.jacorb.org(C) The JacORB project 27-May-2009~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Then I shut down the application that is using the source connector and I restart it. At this point I saw two time the banner printed like the initial instance has not been destroyed correctly.
2010-05-11 12:07:21,364 ERROR [STDERR] 2010-05-11 12:06:21.625 INFO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~JacORB V 2.3.1, www.jacorb.org(C) The JacORB project 27-May-2009~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~JacORB V 2.3.1, www.jacorb.org(C) The JacORB project 27-May-2009~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I guess that I'm missing some "basic" stuff here... maybe I'm not disposing the orb instance properly.
Regards Claudio
3. Re: Newbie: ORB Notify Channel Source JCA
vickyk Sep 23, 2010 1:53 AM (in response to starblazer74)Have you been able to get things working here, I have been in hibernating mode for some time. Hope to get back now