3 Replies Latest reply on Sep 14, 2010 4:27 AM by goldmann

    Installing on CentOS 5


      I tried following the instructions at http://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-14384 for setting up a BoxGrinder environment on a CentOS 5 machine but didn't get very far.  The initial yum install command references a number of packages that don't exist in the standard CentOS 5 repositories.  Which repository do I need to add to my configuration so that I can install these packages?




        • 1. Re: Installing on CentOS 5

          Do you have EPEL repository enabled in your OS?



          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: Installing on CentOS 5

            No I didn't since the documentation didn't mention it.


            I did eventually get it to work but had to add two repositories: the EPEL one you mentioned and one hosted on http://oddthesis.org.  I'm not sure if the latter one is correct as it isn't documented anywhere on here that I can find.  To help someone else that's trying to do this, here are the exact commands I did:


            # install the EPEL repository config:

            rpm -Uvh http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/5/i386/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm

            # install the OddThesis repository (couldn't find an RPM to do this automatically??):
            cd /etc/yum.repos.d
            cat >> oddthesis.repo
            name=OddThesis for RedHat Linux 5 - $basearch
            name=OddThesis Noarch for RedHat Linux 5 - $basearch
            # now follow the documentation to install the necessary packages (with the addition of rubygems
            # not mentioned in the doc but which appears to be required):
            yum -y install git parted wget rpmdevtools appliance-tools sudo libguestfs ruby-libguestfs guestfish yum-utils e2fsprogs rubygems


            This above seemed to work.  Not sure if it's the best way of accomplishing it though.  Particularly the oddthesis bit.  I'm not sure if that's the correct repository or if there's a better way to configure it if it is.  Perhaps these two repositories could be added to the document I mentioned in my initial post?




            • 3. Re: Installing on CentOS 5

              Thank you very much for this, I created an issue: BGBUILD-50 to fix this.


              You are correct; both repositories are currently required for CentOS.

