1 2 3 Previous Next 37 Replies Latest reply on Nov 4, 2011 10:15 AM by mposolda Go to original post
      • 15. GateIn + OpenAM 9.5.2

        Hi Prabhat,


        No problem on helping, I have been down the road of trying to get this to work and understand the frustrations.


        I can certainly put together my experiences once I get mine working.....

        Honestly, I mostly followed that link that I sent Francois.

        Experience of installing agents on other systems has helped.


        I am currently struggling with the LDAP read only users problem where they are in a different group (/opensso/roles/portalGroup) than /platform/users.

        My latest update was to add the role-name 'opensso' to the auth-constraint and security-role in web.xml.

        That allowed me to login with an LDAP (OpenAM) user but the upper banner is missing and who know what else.

        I noticed in the access log that I when I login as an LDAP user there is not a GET request for


        I am still digging....


        I have read where there is a CustomMembershipLoginModule that sounds like it might work but I dont have a sandbox

        or the time to put one together.  I am hoping that someone has posted a jar somewhere.  Any ideas?


        My goal is to use a common store for all users that OpenAM will authenticate against.



        • 16. Re: GateIn + OpenAM 9.5.2

          Hi Steve, Hi Prabhat,


          I've tried this way :

          -> GateIn version Tomcat on a PC (gatein.vauban.com ==> a first IP),

          -> OpenAM9.5.2 version Tomcat on a PC (openam.vauban.com ==> a different IP),

          I verify the c66encode is true and the encode cookie true too. (I tried too false for the encode cookie and it's the same result)

          The domain of the cookies is : .vauban.com

          in my gatein.properties, i write :





          And I've the same problem.... The user is successfully logged but when he's redirected, the blanck page is still loading like an infinite loop.

          And no errors in the logs...

          I think my last chance to use gatein with openam is to test the jboss version... ?


          EDIT : We have posted at the same time, I'm currently reading your post


          For me, it's the next step to integrate all the roles and the users of my ldap with gatein.Because we have to choose a portal solution and my work for the moment is to verify the good working with openam for each portal solution


          For you problem, To my mind, it might have a matter with the matching of your LDAP role with the GateIn role ???

          And I don't know for the jar, no result in google :/




          • 17. Re: GateIn + OpenAM 9.5.2


            • 18. Re: GateIn + OpenAM 9.5.2



              So i'm at home with an Ubuntu PC, it's better to work


              I've tried Jboss version.

              It's okay it works directly without effort

              The only thing is when you are redirected by OpenAM server, the url is :


              It's quite strange ? because the password is gtn.... ???? So at this moment i've the login screen of gatein... but if i put gtn it's okay.

              (It's the same problem for all users of the demonstration version).


              I've tried again the Tomcat version and I've the same problem like at my work.

              Just because Ubuntu is powerful I've logs and more information about the problem.

              On this OS the url of redirection is ; http://localhost:8080/portal/private/j_security_check?j_username=root&j_password=rememberme132279768

              And if i change the url with the password is okay... it works perfectly....




              Please, what's the problem...????? do you have any idea ?



              More question, why Ubuntu tells me different URL that windows and why I've more logs on Ubutun ????

              When the url is wrong i've this kind of log but it's normal :

              7 avr. 2011 20:58:16 org.apache.catalina.realm.

              JAASRealm authenticate
              ATTENTION: Cannot find message associated with key jaasRealm.loginException
              javax.security.auth.login.LoginException: Login failed for root
                  at org.exoplatform.services.security.jaas.SharedStateLoginModule.login(SharedStateLoginModule.java:80)
                  at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
                  at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57)
                  at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)

              Since the password is wrong???? or bad encoded ???


              To have this result, I had to correct jaas.conf with this syntax :

              gatein-domain {

                org.exoplatform.web.security.PortalLoginModule required;

                org.exoplatform.services.security.jaas.SharedStateLoginModule required;

                org.exoplatform.services.security.j2ee.TomcatLoginModule required;


                // Uncomment the following part (and comment the other part for CAS integration

                org.gatein.sso.agent.login.SSOLoginModule required;

                org.exoplatform.services.security.j2ee.TomcatLoginModule required






              EDIT : http://community.jboss.org/message/588824 ???


              Thanks again for your help,



              • 19. Re: GateIn + OpenAM 9.5.2



                It seems that your login module configuration is wrong. I think it should look like this if you are trying to integrate it with GateIn on Tomcat:


                gatein-domain {

                  // Uncomment the following part (and comment the other part for CAS integration

                  org.gatein.sso.agent.login.SSOLoginModule required;

                  org.exoplatform.services.security.j2ee.TomcatLoginModule required

                      portalContainerName "portal"

                      realmName "gatein-domain";



                Especially sharedStateLoginModule can't be used in login modules configuration if SSO is used. Otherwise you are not logged by SSO but by GateIn itself and whole SSO integration does not makes much sense for this case. And for successful integration, you should use latest SSO library https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public/org/gatein/sso/sso-packaging/1.0.1-GA/sso-packaging-1.0.1-GA.zip instead of the older version 1.0.0-Beta2 mentioned in GateIn reference guide.


                Hope this helps,


                • 20. Re: GateIn + OpenAM 9.5.2

                  Thanks Marek,


                  It works on my Personnal Tomcat with this syntax :

                  gatein-domain {


                    // Uncomment the following part (and comment the other part for CAS integration


                    org.gatein.sso.agent.login.SSOLoginModule required;


                    org.exoplatform.services.security.j2ee.TomcatLoginModule required








                  Notice the "="


                  Wonderful !!! I just have to look for jboss but it seems it's the same kind of problem !


                  Thanks everybody, I've just to try at work this correction !

                  • 21. Re: GateIn + OpenAM 9.5.2

                    Big lol,

                    This way doesn't work at work

                    And I still have no log on windows... and no parameter on my URLs....

                    And if I use this kind of url :


                    and replace the password by gtn it works...


                    So the same question :/ Please, what's the problem...????? do you have any idea ?



                    • 22. GateIn + OpenAM 9.5.2

                      Just a longshot but have you cleared the cookies out of your browser between tests?

                      • 23. Re: GateIn + OpenAM 9.5.2

                        May be not

                        I'm trying again the jboss version on my work PC... if you have an idea for the tricky problem of URLs, don't hesitate to share it

                        Do you fix your group LDAP problem?

                        (some links for you :



                        • 24. Re: GateIn + OpenAM 9.5.2



                          For JBoss could you show me your : D:\projects\workspace\portail\GateIn-3.1.0-GA-jboss\server\default\deploy\gatein.ear\META-IN\gatein-jboss-beans.xml in order to compare and be sure ?



                          • 25. GateIn + OpenAM 9.5.2


                            • 26. Re: GateIn + OpenAM 9.5.2

                              Hi Steve,


                              Thanks for all

                              At home, JBoss and Tomcat work...

                              At work, nothing... I don't know what I've to think....



                              • 27. Re: GateIn + OpenAM 9.5.2

                                Hi Steve, Hi All,


                                Thanks for helping me during this aventure,


                                So, I did some tests :


                                On ubuntu (@Home || @Work on a VM) :

                                • OpenAM (default configuration) + GateIn Tomcat : OK
                                • OpenAM (default configuration) + GateIn JBoss : OK
                                • OpenAM (default configuration) + ExoPlatform : OK
                                • OpenAM (manual configuration) + GateIn Tomcat : OK
                                • OpenAM (manual configuration) + GateIn JBoss : OK
                                • OpenAM (manual configuration) + ExoPlatform : OK


                                On Windows :

                                • OpenAM (default configuration) : Impossible to install it, there is an existing GIRA for this point.
                                • OpenAM (manual configuration) + GateIn Tomcat : KO, cf. point 4.
                                • OpenAM (manual configuration) + GateIn JBoss : KO, cf. point 4.
                                • OpenAM (manual configuration) + ExoPlatform : KO, cf. point 4.


                                Note : 1) The difference between the manual and the default configuration is the domain name. All my tests are on a local machine. In the default configuration, OpenAM use the domain name "localhost" contrary to the manual configuration where you can't choose the domain name. In this case, I've chosen a domain name that points on the localhost (in Windows, I modified the hosts file for example and added a domain name for


                                2) I tested ExoPlatform because GateIn have some similar codes since GateIn comes from ExoPlatform and JBoss Portal.


                                3) In the documentation, the syntax of the jaas.conf file is false, the right way to write it is :

                                gatein-domain {

                                  // org.exoplatform.web.security.PortalLoginModule required;

                                  // org.exoplatform.services.security.jaas.SharedStateLoginModule required;

                                  // org.exoplatform.services.security.j2ee.TomcatLoginModule required;


                                  // Uncomment the following part (and comment the other part for CAS integration

                                  org.gatein.sso.agent.login.SSOLoginModule required;

                                  org.exoplatform.services.security.j2ee.TomcatLoginModule required






                                4) When the result is KO, it's appears the bug is the blank plage or the loop on the blank page that I described earlier. OpenAM, after a successful authentification, redirects you to the portal and in the portal something fails... May be the validation of the cookie or something like that, if you have any idea, please share it.


                                5) For the manual configuration, the chosen domain is : .vauban.com but in the cookies the domain writen in the cookie is localhost... Not strange because in the /etc/hosts or /Windows/system32/drivers/etcs/hosts/ refers to localhost and/or openam.vauban.com.But when it's KO, the cookie has the domain .vauban.com in the cookie.


                                Conclusion ???? : I need some helps to "understand" why in Windows, it's so impossible....


                                Steve, Which OS do you use, plz ???


                                Ce message a été modifié par: francois descamps

                                • 28. GateIn + OpenAM 9.5.2



                                  I permit myself to up this subject.


                                  Thanks by advance,



                                  • 29. Re: GateIn + OpenAM 9.5.2

                                    For information, the bug is really tricky in Windows Dev mode.


                                    For Exo, the solution is :

                                    Please remove address in your hosts file and try again.

                                    The contents of your hosts file must be:

                                    @IP(your IP address)  openam.vauban.com




                                    This is the right scenario to use in order to check that openAM works fine with your eXoPlatform bundle:

                                    • Go to /portal instead of /portal/sso in order to create cookies in the browser, because if we go directly to /portal/sso we get this exception and there is always an opened jboss portal issue for this problem https://issues.jboss.org/browse/GTNPORTAL-1908.
                                    • Go to /portal/sso.
                                    • You will be redirect to the openAM login screen.
                                    • Connect as root/gtn.
                                    • You will be redirect to /portal/private with a login page.



                                    Moreover I would like to add for OpenAM, be careful on the domain you use. Because if you use two different servers on two different domains you have to change the value of the domain cookie in OpenAM.


                                    Then, you have to change the ErrorLoginServlet and the PortalLoginServlet (web.xml of portal) because they use the bad servlet to manage the login part of exo.

