1. Hibernate and maven
barmic Apr 29, 2011 10:59 AM (in response to barmic)I have search on this page https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/index.html
The 4 dependencies hibernate-core, hibernate-entitymanager, hibernate-validator and hibernate-annotations. I see that this for artifact isn't in same version :
- hibernate-core (3.3.2.GA)
- hibernate-entitymanager (3.3.2.GA)
- hibernate-validator (4.1.0.Final)
- hibernate-annotations (3.3.0.GA)
In same time the download page speak about an version 3.6 and the next version (CR1) 4.0.
I don't understand why the version isn't synchronyse and how find the latest version of each artifact.
2. Hibernate and maven
pgier Apr 29, 2011 12:06 PM (in response to barmic)There seems to be a problem with the search in the JBoss repository. I will regenerate the indexes to hopefully fix the searching.
3. Hibernate and maven
pgier Apr 29, 2011 12:44 PM (in response to barmic)The indexes have been regenerated, and the search seems to be working correctly now. You should be able to search to find the most recent version. For example, searching for "hibernate-core" shows version 3.6.3 as the latest stable version.