1. Re: Archetypes for JavaEE modules?
fbricon Aug 31, 2011 6:43 AM (in response to wolfgangknauf)1 of 1 people found this helpfulThere's no multi module archetype for JavaEE6 that I know of, yet. I planned on making one, but can't give an ETA.
However, you can start by looking at http://code.google.com/p/open-archetypes/
I suggest you create the project based on multi-javaee5-archetype first, then :
- update the version to 6 in the maven-ear-plugin configuration of the ear project
- update the version to 3.1 in the maven-ejb-plugin of the ejb project
- use a web.xml v3.0 in the web project or maybe add a new module to the base project, based off the jboss EE6 archetype, then add it as a dependency of the ear project
Note that app clients are not supported yet in m2e-wtp (it's almost ready though, so should be soon in m2e-wtp's dev builds)
2. Re: Archetypes for JavaEE modules?
wolfgangknauf Sep 2, 2011 3:49 PM (in response to fbricon)Hi Fred,
thanks for your reply!
I took a look at the archetype, but well... the combination of Eclipse/WTP und Maven seems to be very, very complicated - two different worlds which refuse to be joined ;-). As I am used to the IDE, it's a bit hard to switch to Maven ;-). I think I will buy a book (which will probably lack all the JaveEE stuff...) and start from the beginning, not in the middle....
3. Re: Archetypes for JavaEE modules?
maxandersen Sep 2, 2011 6:03 PM (in response to wolfgangknauf)btw. if you want it simple then dont use pre-JavaEE6 concepts like multiproject EAR's, just use War's.
See the AS7 quickstart guides - explains how to simply import and use the projects.