8 Replies Latest reply on Aug 28, 2008 4:35 PM by cinconnu

    Navigation between long running natural conversations



      I tried all options in seam 2.0.2.CR1 to navigate from one long running natural conversation to another one.

      Lets say conversation from a  person=121 to a car=22.

      What I can do is nested conversation or join. But I want from a person open a new conversation for a car and keep both conversations separated. Seam does not work when I specify conversationName and conversationPropagation NONE in my link, and then begin a new conversation. It redirects somewhere and browser freezes (no exception but browser does not redirect)

      Now my solution is to use a third page that I redirect to from a person when propagation is NONE. From here I am redirecting to a car and beginning new conversation.

      I would like to have just two pages to do that.
      Some one has a better solution?

      Thanks Tomas