1. Re: Update repo process
goldmann Mar 22, 2012 5:33 PM (in response to supriyashivkumar)We enable both base and updates repos by default. You can disable them by specifyig default_repos to false and add additional repos at your own. Read more.
Please paste your.appl file so I can help you further.
2. Re: Update repo process
supriyashivkumar Mar 23, 2012 9:09 AM (in response to goldmann)name: c57-test
summary: test-22nd Mar
name: centos
version: 5
size: 5
default_repos: false
- name: "CentOS"
baseurl: "http:/test.domain.com/centos/5.7/os/x86_64/" # This is my mirrored repo.
- @base
- @core
- @editors
- "setup.sh"
- "bash /tmp/setup.sh"
I have certain packages which are present in the update repo.. the url is "http:/test.domain.com/centos/5.7/updates/x86_64/RPMS/"
By default I want the build process to run the yum update command to update any package being installed in the process to pick the latest package form the updates section.
3. Re: Update repo process
goldmann Mar 23, 2012 9:14 AM (in response to supriyashivkumar)1 of 1 people found this helpfulIt depends what is the content of your repo. Normally you should have mirrored both base and updates repos locally. Afterwards adding two repositories in repos section should give you desired behavior.
Don't use arch-specific path, like x86_64, replace it with #BASE_ARCH# - this will give you more flexibility.
4. Re: Update repo process
supriyashivkumar Mar 23, 2012 10:31 AM (in response to goldmann)Oh. Is it possible to add two repos? I was not aware of that..
So does this look rite for the repos section of the base file.
- name: "CentOS"
baseurl: "http:/test.domain.com/centos/5.7/os/x86_64/" # This is my mirrored repo.
- name: "CentOSUpdate"
baseurl: "http:/test.domain.com/centos/5.7/updates/RPMS/" # Update Repo
Thanks for the suggestion of the BASE ARCh.