3 Replies Latest reply on Aug 4, 2012 2:00 AM by antoine_h

    Using GateIn 3.3.0 Jboss AS7 with mysql


      I just downloaded and installed GateIn 3.3.0 Jboss AS7 today and tried to configure it. I set up two mysql databases - gatein_idm and gatein_portal and edited the configuration.properties file to point to them. When I try to startup GateIn/Jboss, I get ClassNotFound exceptions about com.mysql.jdbc.Driver. I have looked online for a fix, and have tried everything I have found - copying the mysql connector jar into standalone/deployments, copying it into modules/com/mysql/main and creating the module.xml, and just putting it into my CLASSPATH. I have tried with mysql 5.1 connector versions 5.1.10, 5.1.13 and 5.1.20.


      What am I doing wrong and how do I fix this?