4 Replies Latest reply on Jan 24, 2013 11:50 AM by jane_lj

    Return result of Statement.execute(sqlstring)


      I have my updat function ready in my Teiid tranlator, when I run standard sql statement in Java, it can update the data source successfully, the only issue I have is the return result of Statement.execute("udpate xxx set xxxxx") is always false, even some records have been updated.


      I miss something in code to implement it correctly?



        • 1. Re: Return result of Statement.execute(sqlstring)

          Check the Javadoc for Statement.execute, it will return true if a result set is available.  You should just be checking Statement.getUpdateCount()



          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: Return result of Statement.execute(sqlstring)

            Can you send me a code example for override method UpdateExecution.getupdateCount() in teiid,maybe I'm wrong with this part?



            • 3. Re: Return result of Statement.execute(sqlstring)



              What Steve said above is, when you execute a statement like "Statement.execute("udpate xxx set xxxxx")", it will only be returning the Statement.getUpdateCount(), which indicates how many records have been updated with your update statement.


              However if you executed "statement.execute('select * from ....')", which does return a resultset, but you do not know whether you executed the first form above or the second from, the "statement.execute" itself "returns" a boolean. If that return is true, then you can call statement.getResultSet(), if false, then you can only call statement.getUpdateCount()


              All this explained in the javadoc for the statement class.


              Hope this helps.



              1 of 1 people found this helpful
              • 4. Re: Return result of Statement.execute(sqlstring)

                Thank you, Steven and Ramesh.